Catch The Moment Week #20 May 14, 2013–May 20, 2014

We’re finally planting!  It’s been a crazy week around here.  The kind that you wish would just end.  If it could break down it did!  It must have been a challenge God chose for us and we survived!  I think we were all glad when this week was over!


Wednesday night sunset

We woke up to frost on May 15!

We were finally able to start planting.  Mick is planting flax here on our home quarter.  I hope we’re home when it is in bloom!

Saturday we had a 4-H meeting.  The Lundquist girls gave our group a sheep showing demo and showed us how to sheer a sheep.  They did a wonderful job!

Life on the farm…what a week.  It seemed if it could break down it did!  The washer & dryer both took a dump along with some other things.  It’s next to impossible to get repair work done on anything around here.  Of course, it typically happens at the worst possible time.   We usually end up doing it ourselves.  Thanks to YouTube, codes and Amazon a person can fix just about anything!  Our guys were Whirlpool repair men tonight.  We had a pen tear a hole in the washer gasket and the element went out on the dryer.

I drove the four-wheeler down the road to catch the sunset by some water.  I was mud splattered by the time I returned home, but it was worth it!

We went to Mick’s grandparents’ farm today.  I noticed the old truck was showing its true colors with the clouds.  I’m sure it has plenty of stories to tell from the 8 girls they had.


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