Week #11 Catch the Moment 365

March 12 – March 18, 2014

We’ve had an incredibly busy week around here!  I didn’t end up with any decent pictures of the kids, but miraculously I managed to get a picture everyday.  We had a couple thawing days this week, but there is still plenty of snow in northern North Dakota!  Snow must have been my theme for the week.  I have lots of snow pictures! We are ready for it to be gone and enjoy the warm days of spring!


We had a road trip day Wednesday for appointments.  This was one of the many herds of deer we came across.  They were out eating everywhere we looked.  There are a lot of deer in the area this year – I see hundreds in my travels. They really like to cross the road in the dark!


I know this is such an ugly picture, but it is reality.  This is what northern North Dakota looks like in March.  The big pile of snow along the north tree line is my garden – buried!  It’s going to take a while for it to melt and dry up!  I can’t wait!


Coming in for a landing! This is our grass strip runway – even though it is brown, it is the only grass you will see around here this week.  You can see there are some bare spots starting to appear in the surrounding field.   We had wheat growing in the field last year.  Our farm is to the north in the trees.  It won’t take long for the snow to melt if we could have a few warm days.


The sunrise from my kitchen window.  I love our North Dakota sunrises – my husband doesn’t understand my obsession.  He thinks I have way too many sunrise pictures.  Obsession or not, I love watching the sunrise & set here! The theme for the week was lucky.  I feel very lucky and blessed to call North Dakota home and see these beautiful sunrises and sunsets throughout the year.


We had a snow squall move through Sunday afternoon.  Our yard is very protected, but for awhile we had terrible visibility. It came as quick as it went, but had an ugly presence.


Monday night I attended Ladies Ag Night in the next county over.  Katie Dilse – Speaker Extraordinaire drove in from Scranton, ND to speak.  She did a wonderful job energizing and entertaining us!  She made us laugh and cry.  Her message was about maintaining OUR ‘grease zerks’ like we maintain our big rigs, connecting and lifting each other up.  We had a blast!  It was great to hear Katie’s message and connect with other farm women from the area just before our busy spring season gets underway.  Check out her site to see Katie in action at the US Custom Harvesters convention this year http://www.katiedilse.com/


This is our old grain dryer from the 70’s.  Mick has been busy drying our wheat this month.  It is an automatic batch process grain dryer which runs on propane.  It will dry 180 bushels of wheat per batch.  Our wheat has been in an air bin since harvest with 15% moisture.  It needs to be dried down to 13.5% moisture.  The dryer is noisy and needs constant supervision – just like our kids!

For more information please visit the girls who sponsor Catch the Moment 365

Nurse Loves Farmer

Catch The Moment Week #10

The snow melt is on in North Dakota! The temps finally warmed above freezing on Sunday.  The busy season is around the corner and this week we definitely shifted gears.  I’m not sure what ever happened to all the time the farmers are supposed to have in the winter.  We don’t see it around here.  There’s always something that needs attention.  Before we know it, we’ll be scratching around in the fresh smelling dirt and loading up the combines for harvest.  I had hoped to start my seeds for the garden this week, but haven’t gotten to it yet.  We had Max’s 6th birthday on Monday. He had his classmates out to the farm.  They had so much fun playing both inside and outside.  Here are my captures from this week. Hopefully I’ll have more outdoor ones next week!

Day 64Day 64.2

The theme for the week is sleepy!  I ran upstairs for something and this is what I found not even 2 minutes later.  I panicked at first hoping he wouldn’t fall, but grabbed the camera for a quick shot.  Poor guy.

Day 65

Laugh Attack!

Day 66

Buttercream frosting for Max’s Ripslinger cake.

Day 67

Brett was in dad’s boots before breakfast on Saturday.

Day 68.1

I caught dad playing on the 4-wheeler when he was running back and forth in the yard while he was drying wheat.  It was so nice on Sunday, our first day in the 40°s.


Day 69DSC_6272

I have 2 pics for our birthday boy.  Monday was Max’s birthday party – one by one the kids thought they should ALL go for a ride on the 4-wheeler! Mick took them all around the yard.  I could walk faster than they were going, but they loved it! I think he had just as much fun as them. That’s our 6 year old on the right with the crazy face in the purple.  What a fun group! Max wanted a Planes Ripslinger cake so when he eats it he can tear him apart!

Day 70

I finished the top for my feathers quilt along.  You can check out all the other beautiful quilts here.  http://www.add-crafter.com/2014/02/feathers-qal-show-time/

For more information please visit the girls who sponsor Catch the Moment 365

Nurse Loves Farmer

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